Need voice actors, writers block and more stuff...

21 min read

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bassmegapokemonlover's avatar
Hello everyone on DA how are you doing? Myself personally I'm having writer's block at the moment and haven't been able to work on chapter 8 of burning heart as much as I wanted to. T-T But fear not my fans though I may not be able to write anything about the burning heart at the moment, I have decided to start drawing a few special spoiler pictures for the next coming chapters since I'm not able to write them at the moment.

60% of finished picture of –What?-

0% of finished picture of --

0% of finished picture of --

0% of finished picture of -Pain-

I also need to let people know that I'm still looking for voice actors, experience to not experienced so if you have a good mic and if want to give this a try send me a note or comment on this Journal for the job. Although there is one new condition that I must put on this offer. You must be 16 or older to be eligible to join my cast.

Besides that everything else is still the same but with a slight twist. I will have some dialogue in this Journal for certain characters and those who want to apply for those characters send me a recording of you doing the lines of those characters dialogue at and I will judge rather or not if I can use you. -before you start the recording inform me first who you are on DA-

Also the maximum time that I will wait for you to respond after I send you a note is a maximum of Two weeks, if I haven't heard from you by then I'll have no choice but to move on to the next person that was in line.

A quick reminder that there's no money involved but I simply want to get together a bunch of people and voice act in a audio play and just have fun with it and is that not reward enough?

The dialogue of the characters that I need voices for will be at the end of the Journal. Just because I can't write anything right now doesn't mean that I've not stopped practicing with my voice for my characters in the burning heart. Here is a list of people that are going to be voice acting in my audio play so far and who they are going to be voicing as.

:iconbassmegapokemonlover:-Is the narrator, The detective trainer, Chaos, The dark voice and The beast -I'm also the writer of the burning heart.-

:iconelysian-prince:-Is Melanthios Roses trainer. –Also the editor of the audio play.-

:iconxmachaku:-Is Alexander the third one of the Kabutops guards at the Castle.

:iconrazormaverick:-Is I have to figure out that but when I do I'll let you guys know, for right now he's on standby.

:iconlibra-dragoness:-Is The mistresses sister.

:iconpinkufootsie:-Is Student Lucario.

I also recommend looking at each of these different artists galleries to see what kind of stuff they do. And that's it, I still require a lot of voices, Oh! before I forget here is the list of people that have responded and I'm awaiting their voice samples.

:iconchibishay:-Waiting for voice samples.

:iconwhites-knight:-As soon as he finds his recording equipment.

:icondisenchanteddaydream:-Waiting for voice samples.

Now here's the list of people that I'm talking to that may or may not be interested in joining my cast.




Okay! here are both the personal information of the characters and their voices and some dialogue that of each of the characters. Also a quick reminder that there's no money involved but I simply want to get together a bunch of people and voice act in an audio play and just have fun with it and is that not reward enough?

Sorry in advance if some of the grammar is not okay DX I didn't let my editor fix it, but it should be it ok, if something doesn't sound right in it you can alter it a little bit if you need to. And only read what the character that you want to audition for is saying and thinking, noting else.

I wish everyone good luck that wants to anticipate in my audio play, so try your best everyone…=}

Rose the Gardevoir the main protagonist - a determination to become stronger than she already is, a deep love for her friends and would do anything to protect them, Between a teenager to a slightly older voice 20, and to always put a smile on her face even though in the inside she is hurting.

Rose dialogue.
"Does it hurt sometimes remembering what it was like to be with him?" asked her friend.

"Sometimes it bothers me, and sometimes it doesn't." Rose said to her friend "but if I had to go through all of that again I would've done the exact same thing." then she was quiet for a little bit after that.

Her friend couldn't hold back her questioning any longer and have to ask the one question that was on her mind the most "did you love him? more than just a friend?"

Rose actually started blushing a little bit "I…" it took her a moment but she finally said "yes, yes I did, I loved him more than anything in the world."

"I wish he was here to see me now, to see how much I've grown up," Rose said and then continued in a whisper "if I could turn back the clock and be with him for another second, I would."

J the blind Kabutops - Older male voice 30+, very wise, deep sorrow that cannot be measured in his life, and a duty he must fulfill no matter what it costs. a somewhat tough sounding voice.

J's dialogue
"I was a young and rambunctious Kabutops who cared for only getting stronger and getting the attention of the females of my species that I was a good candidate for a mate."

"I had become very strong and was one of the top warriors in our kingdom in the years before the war, not to mention I had at least three other females that were interested in becoming my mate things were looking good for me." "but then the war started and I foolishly eagerly joined up for the front line to prove my skills as a warrior."

"I was a fool! I would soon learn my place when I had to kill my first enemy." "the expression of his face, the fear and terror knowing he could do nothing as I cut him down."

"Little did I know that was only the beginning to the ghosts that will forever haunt me."

Student Gallade - Not very confident in his skills, a teenager voice 17, is in love with his best friend, and is willing to help her with anything that she would ask of him.

Student Gallade's dialogue
-In his room talking to himself and is having a hard time deciding what to do.-

"Okay, okay Gallade you can do this." He said as he was looking at himself in his mirror in his room. "But what if she doesn't like it, what do I do then?" he asked his reflection. Gallade takes a deep breath to relax and says "of course how could she not like it, yellow is her favorite color so I have nothing to worry about."

But then a worried expression comes over his face "but what happens if she doesn't like it, what do I do then?" he asked his reflection and the reflection remained silent. "I'm thinking too hard." Gallade said to himself "I should just walk up to her and say, here I made this for you Lucario."

Just as he's about to walk out the door with his mind made up another thought comes to him and he walks back to his mirror and asks "but what if," he spent another good 30 min. talking with his reflection trying to figure out what to do and what not to do.

"I give up!" he said to his reflection as he walked over to his bed and flopped down onto it. "Why is this so hard?" he asked aloud as he was looking up at the ceiling of his room as he could feel butterflies in his stomach when he was thinking about her.

Then with his right hand reached over to his nightstand and picked up the yellow scarf and brought to his face to look at it.

"Why is it so hard to say, I love you and I made this just for you Lucario?" He asks the yellow scarf and the scarf did not answer.

Sapphire Rose's mother - An older voice woman's voice 30, very protective of her family, a strong heart with a strong mind, to always find a way to make things work out.

Sapphire's dialogue
As one of the guards tried to grab Sapphire by the hand but she reached out and grabbed him by the wrist jerking him foreword and elbowed him in the face "I'm not as helpless as some of the servants you been bullying." She said to the guard that was on the ground.

The guards friend helped him back on his feet and pulled out his sword as he said "you brat, you'll pay for this!" then charged at her with his sword raised up to cut her. Sapphire stepped right into the attack and punched him square in the nose with enough force to send him to the floor.

"She broke my nose!! She broke my nose!!!" the guard on the floor yelled as blood was running out of his nose as he was getting off the floor.
She went into a fighting stance and asked "do you want some more?" he guards looked at her angrily then slowly backed away as one of them said "we will remember this." and walked back to where they came from, Sapphire then ran over to the servant that was on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Sapphire asked her the servant merely nodded and tried to hold her torn sleeve of her dress in place but to no avail. "Come with me and will get the seamstress to fix that for you." said Sapphire as she offered her hand to her.

The servant hesitated for a moment but then grabbed Sapphire hand and slowly got onto her feet. "Thank you" the servant said to Sapphire.

"Don't mention it" said Sapphire as a started walking "and don't worry about those guards, as long as you're with me they won't dare mess with you again." Sapphire assured the servant.

"May I ask what your name?" the servant asked Sapphire then smiled and said "my name is Sapphire, the head servant of the mistress." then Sapphire asked "what is your name?"

"Crystal, the head servant of the Royal tables" Crystal said Sapphire then nodded her head and said "I thought you looked familiar, I've seen you the few times when the mistress would invite me to dine with her at the Royal tables."

Nick Rose's father - another older male voice 30, a very loyal and honest person, a deep love for his family, is willing to put his life on the line to protect what's important to him.

Nick's dialogue
"So you knew all along this was going to happen?" he said in growing anger "unforgivable! I won't let you do as you wish!"
"What do I fight so hard? it's simple, I have something that's important to me." he said as he was slowly rising up from the ground as blood was running down his body "as long as I'm able to breathe, I won't let you take it away from me!"

"No, I don't fight because I want to win, I fight because I have to win! there's no other choice for me."

"I will not die here," he said as blood was pouring down his face from the cut above his eye's "I have someone waiting for me to return home." Then letting out a roar of defiance as he ran towards his opponent for this would be his final blow.

"I did it, Sapphire I," he said as he fell to the ground bleeding out "I can go home and be with you now." He said as his eyes were slowly closing "just wait for me a little bit longer."

And Skip a Kirlia of mystery - has a hard time deciding what to do, a deep fear of getting hurt, has been abused by people, speaks very quietly when remembering the past, a somewhat teenager but childlike voice to 17+.

Kirlia's dialogue- I ask that you can give me two different samples of this one, a male version and a female version voice of this if you can.
"My name, it's just Kirlia" the Kirlia said but then started pulling on her hand and said "but more importantly I need you to out of here, it's not safe to be here, especially at night."

Just before she could ask Kirlia something, Kirlia raised a hand to stop her and said "now is not the time for questions, I'll tell you everything I know but first we need to go somewhere else to talk."

Skipping some dialogue to the courtyard a conversation.

"This is actually one of the places I like in the Castle." Said Kirlia then set down on a stone bench and continued "thankfully they didn't ruin it like the rest of the place, this area is untouched and the guards almost never visit this place." and placing a hand near a wildflower next the bench and said "I think it's safe to continue where we left off from our last conversation."

On the bad guys side I need voices for.

The evil Persian - spy of the Castle, taunting or increasing the pain on his opponents as he's trying to get information out of them, is a little bit messed up in the head, a somewhat soft voice 24.

The evil Persian dialogue
"Tee hee hee! what do we have here?" said a voice somewhere in the shadows of the trees.

Nick and Sapphire froze in place for a moment then turning their heads to the left of them.

A shadowy figure was slowly approaching them "I wonder what would happened to you if I told the King what naughty things you've been doing behind his back?"

A Persian slowly walked out of the shadows and looked at them with it menacing red eyes and said "Tee hee! After the King is done tearing you to pieces maybe he'd let me eat that delicious looking child you're holding."

Nick past their child to Sapphire and whisper to her "no matter what happens, no matter what you hear, keep running and don't stop." Sapphire look at him lovingly and nodded her head and ran from the fight that was about to happen.

"Tee hee hee! after I'm done with you I will have my fun with her and the child." The Persian said and flexed his claws then dash towards Nick.

Skipping some dialogue to somewhere else in the story.

"Brother don't worry I'll be back here before you know it so sit back and enjoy yourself." Persian said to his brother and dashed out into the forest to catches his prey.

The evil Persian brother - second spy of the Castle, near the same as his brother except smarter, a somewhat tougher sounding voice that his brothers 24, but also has some of his brothers madness to.

The evil Persian brother dialogue
"What is taking him so long to get back?" said Persian as he was waiting for his brother to return. It was now made day and he still hadn't returned from his mission. Then a thought occurred to him and he rolled his eyes as he said "he's probably savoring every moment of torturing them before he has to take them back."

"Brother, sometimes I worry about you." he looked back to the forest and continued "I can understand the thrill of the hunt and all that but you should have been back by now, where are you?" He lets out a sigh and turns away from the forest then starts walking to a nearby bar and says "I need a bowl of milk, this waiting is killing me."

A few minutes later he walked in the bar and walked up to the front of the bar and said the bartender "a bottle of milk and some bread, and keep it coming until I tell you to stop." The bartender nodded his head in a minute later brought him a bottle of milk and some bread.

Roth the Kabutops king - talks very confidently in his ability's, another older voice around 30+, loves pushing pokemon to their breaking point, and doesn't get much sleep so there are always dark rings around his eyes. A cold voice with softness to it.

Roth the Kabutops king dialogue
"Come now! I'm not completely heartless." said the King "I should give you a fighting chance, I promise not to use my special attacks against you." the King placed his crown on the throne and took off his cloak then started walked towards her to the middle of the room.

Then stood right in front of her looming over her by a good couple of feet taller than her he said "Give me your best shot, little girl and I'll show you the difference between you and I." Then he bended down so that his chin was within her range of hitting.

This made her made her so angry, he was so confident in himself that he was deliberately leaving himself open for her. "what's wrong?" the king asked "are you that afraid of me? little," that was as far as he got as she delivered a thunder punch as hard as she could to his chin.
He seemed to flinch for a moment at the punch but he did not move an inch then looked at her with his cold eyes and asked "is that all you have?" then moving his claws into attack position "that I'll kill you swiftly," then stopped as he felt his jaw cracked a little bit.

He smiled then "it seems this little girl has some fight in her after all." She immediately had to dodge as he slashed with his claw in front of him and finished "continue to amuse me and I might let you live."

The Mistress - Love to mess with people's minds, has no hesitation when kicking them when they're down, very obsessive and possessive of people, manipulating people to get what she wants. Older woman voice 27.  Voice that sounds between hard and soft.

The Mistress dialogue
Dialogue from her past.
"Oh husband of mine! where are you?" she said in a happy voice as she had finally found the perfect gift to give him for their anniversary of their engagement. And she was looking for him to give her gift to him "Come out come out wherever you are!" she called out in front of her hoping that he would hear her somewhere in the castle.  

She had looked high and low in the castle to try and find him but with no success. Finally she decided to look in the courtyard and see if he was there. As she slowly approached the courtyard she heard her husband and also heard he was talking to someone else.

Slowly she poked her head from the side of the corner to the entrance of the courtyard and saw that her husband was talking with one of her servants and he had one arm around her shoulder. As she was about to step out from the corner and ask what he was doing, there right in front of her she saw her servant kissed him.

'This, this can't be happening.' she thought herself then saw her husband wrapped his arms around her servants and said to her servant "I love you so much." then started kissing her servant back.

She then slowly started walking back the way she came then once she was a distance away from her husband started running back into the castle to her room in tears.

A few minutes later she was now in her room and weeping over what she had just saw "there was no mistaking it." She said aloud as more tears started welling up in her eyes "Nick my love how could you, do this to me." then started crying more as she continued "was I not a faithful wife to you, why would you? how could you?"

No matter how many times she cried, she couldn't get that image of her servant kissing him and it filled her with rage 'you'll be sorry for messing with somebody else's husband.' She thought then said aloud as a thought came into the back of her mind "yes! it was her she did this to me, he would've never done it willingly she cast a spell on him. yes! that's what happened that little which!"

-Who ever voices for Rose must also voice for this character to.-
Dark Rose self - Cold, taunting people when they're down, pretends she thinks she's invincible, but deep down under her cold demeanor she is afraid of losing. Older woman's voice 20+

Dark Rose- Thorn dialogue
"What's wrong? did I hit a nerve?" asked Thorn "maybe he was better off dead than to find out what you became, I mean look at how much of a disappointment you are." she said to rose.

"Shut up!" Rose yelled at her "you don't know," then was cut off when Thorn grabbed her by her hair and pulled her close and whispered into her ear "I know everything about you, after all he would be alive today if it wasn't for you."

"Stop." Rose and said to her but her voice sounded weak so Thorn continued "if you evolved to your final form faster and improved your body more, you could have saved him." she smiled evilly "but you failed, you got him killed you were unable to do anything to help him at all, your a failure Rose! And a failure only keep failing." then whispering even smaller she finished "and that's what you are Rose, a failure."

Keep in mind this isn't the full list because I'm still creating that myself as I am still writing the story, also I'm announcing right now that the burning heart series will only have up to 20 chapters and maybe a little but past that if I can't fit everything that I need within 20 chapters, just thought I should let you guys know this.

Another long Journal my friends, if anyone needs any more information or has a question or two about this project please don't hesitate to ask me.

God bless! and until the next journal entry my friends, stay frosty…=}
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